Tuesday 31 July 2007

wos up bbaz luvz ya all

Crazyy Stuff =]


HI444 !

ORIIT33 ? ?

W33 B33N DOIIN PiCiiSS .....

BaaaaaaaaaaaaaP !

[&&] W33 B33N DOiiN A ViiD3O LK !
TiiSs FABiiDo0oDL333 !

Lo0oV33 Y0o0oU !

Mwaaah ! x X


. . Heyaa Again =]

Wee Have Been On Blogger All Afternoon HeeHee

Nd Takin Picz Baaaapp

Theyy Soo Crap =]

Soooo . .

Thenn We Made A Vidd Itss So Fly WoopWoop H33H33 =]

LovezzYouu <3
hy bbz i did so much today it is so fun and we was riting in the moning we were on the computer

cool girl s

hy bbz wot u up to en all girls together having a laugh luvs ya all
KISS M33 BRIIT . * <3

Haaa Haaa .....
Wooop Woop !


Gemma [[&&]] Jess . . !
// [[. .Ayee Good Fankz Gemm Boii. .]] \\

// Nuffinn Muchh Moshh &&
Youu Babeez ? * \\

// * .HeeHeee. * \\

// . . [[LoveeYouu]] . . \\
. .Brittonnyy Oww =D . *

// . Shudd Mae'n Shigaloww . =D ? *

// . LoveeYouu <3 color="#ffcc33">*
. .Jess Babezzz ]]
..Yer Im Good Likee Nd You Chick ?
..Wauup2en ?
..LovezzYouu <3
hers the boys blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

bingo bashers

hey girls wat u up 2 en tb rosie
//. .Gemmaa Owww <3

//. .Ti' n Iawnnn Cariadd . * ?

//. .Dwi'n Carry Ti =D . *
hi bingo bashers how you all doing write back
Go visit da boiz bloggs bey! i aint seen it bu still! x x x

Bingo Basher

2day bey we organised a bingo day, sorted wt venues, costs, prizes, raffles and all sorts ov ova stuff! Sam came in continuesly takin pics n josh n beany came in windin us up! alllll gd! x

Heyy hey !

Hey Hey Heeeey ! . . . <33

CheCk Theeesee Boiiz Out En . . .


They Aree Thee FrikkiiN .... > [SEX] !

L U F F E W ! x X
Mwaaaahhh ! *xxXX
>> Check Owt Thaa Boii Blog Babezz =] <<

They Aree The [[Sex]] Mushh ! ;-]


Fabb Aint Irr !

LovezzYouu <3>

Heyaa Jadee
Yer Good Tah Babez Youu ?
Go and visit the boy s blogg ass well
. .Check Owtt Thaa Boiiz Blogg Owwtt Munnaa =D . *

. .Geemmmaa Doo Theesse Colorrss Reemind Youu Ovv Somee Fingg =D . *
hey gemma u kk!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey brittony babe!!!!!!!!
hello i saw sam hange out of the bus and he spat out of the winndow and it was horable i was nally sick ria is not in prest today i am in acharge of the mony for bingo night i am the leder of the bingo bashers ha ha boom boom
Today ....

Were Were WorkiiNg Out ThingSs Lk .... <33

  • ...[ Cost !
  • ...[ Venue !
  • ...[ Things to doo !
  • ...[ Food !
  • ...[ A Prizee !
  • ...[ How Much Money We Needed !
  • ...[ Fancy DreSs !
  • ...[ RaFfle !


F0o0ooR Ourr BiNGo0o BaShh NighT ! !

Wo0o0op Wo0o0op !

Brittony =]

<33 .. I.L.Y .. <33

WoopWoop . .

Heyaaa . . <3

Todayy Wee Where Working Out Thingz Likee . ]]
..The Cost . ]]
..The Venue ]]
..Thing To Doo Nd Buy Like The ]]
..Food ]]
..A Prize ]]
..How Much Money We Needed . ]]
Thing To Make It Funn Likee ]]
Fancy Dress ]]
Raffle ]]


For Our BingoBashers Night =]


LoveezYouuu <3

Gemmaa . <3

Thiis Morninnngg Babezz . * =D

. .Thiis Morninn Boii =D

Itt Wass Uss Disscusingg Owrr Planzz
&& Worrkk Thingg . *

&& A Lott Of Talkinn =D
Witchh Wassnt Harrd Forr Somee . *
Nott Naminng Nameezz ..
Cough Cough [[Jess Len]]

Woop Woop . *

H3H3 . ! Lovee Itt Mosh . *

Ritee Theenn Wee All Wentt Forr A Breakk
Tooo Restt Owrr Brainz Hahaaa =D . *

Lmeeoo . !

Itt Wass Funn . .

We Wrotee Notes Downn Onn Paper
&& Scribledd Haff Thee Time Butt
Itt Wass Gooooodd =D . *

Thattss All Relliee &&
Wee Wentt Forr Dinner . *

Chippzz Boii ;) .
&& A Cann =D

Haaaaa !

Ritee Ill Blogg Youu Soon =D . *

LoveeYouu <3>

Kiss Kiss . <3>

P.s =D .

Hey peps!!!!!!!!
wa ya doiung en..................

Monday 30 July 2007

Oritee. *

Itss Jessicaa Jones Babezz . *

Youu Oritee Every Onee . ?

Wuup2 People . ?

Imm A Bloggerr Boii . * =D

Lovee Youu <3 . *

. . xXx . .

Heyaa Mush . . . xX


Hiaa !

iim a . . . B l o g g e r !

[[ X x X ]]
hello i am on blogger
hello im on blogger!
hi im on a blogger!!!!!!!